Halfway to critical talks at COP 29 and election year jitters have the leaders of major economies holding the line in statements but hesitating on numbers and substance.

7 min read





What fast became clear in Bonn is that the two sides arrived with fundamentally different perspectives, leading to two completely different conversations.

Developed nations seemingly arrived with a sense of their hands tied by voters and circumstances at home on the scale of direct public support they could offer. They came to explore alternative avenues including leveraging private finance and expanding the donor base to include wealthier emerging economies and petrostates like China and Saudi Arabia.

For developing nations, watching the billions mobilized to support COVID response or Ukraine, there is clearly money available to respond to crises. It’s just the political will that’s lacking.

As Michai Robertson, negotiator for the Alliance of Small Island States, told Reuters, “It seems like the money is always there when it’s a more ‘real’ national priority for the country. It’s really tough to see that.”

China’s negotiators went even further, snapping at the idea of expanding the climate finance donor base, telling diplomats, “We the developing countries, have no intention to make your number look good or be part of your responsibility, as we are doing all we can to save the world.”

The result: Talks intended to lay the groundwork for even more difficult discussions at COP 29 ended with little to show beyond deepening resentment between developed and developing worlds.  As UN climate chief Simon Stiell noted, a finance agreement in Baku still possible, but with the clock ticking, countries now face, “a mountain to climb.”

Getting there, as Climate Reality International Director Ethan Spaner noted from Bonn, will take not only a new approach in negotiations but a new approach in practice.

“Trust is the real issue here. These forums are meant to build equity into our collective response to the climate crisis. Time and again we’ve seen that one actor stepping up and leading encourages others to follow. If developed countries want a larger contributor base for climate finance, they need to actually lead here. That means going beyond talking and actually implementing new and innovative ways to mobilize finance. I think it could surprise people how much space that opens up for more contributions.”


After the breakdown in Bonn and political shift in the EU, G7 leaders had to produce something. If only to hold the line and staunch the bleeding out of all trust in international processes.

So it was notable that the final statement went one further than the agreement at COP 28 hailed as signaling the beginning of the end of fossil fuels, with leaders declaring:

“We will transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems in a just, orderly, and equitable manner, accelerating actions in this critical decade, to achieve net-zero by 2050 in keeping with the best available science. We will operationalize these commitments through the development and implementation of domestic plans, policies and actions, including to inform and be reflected in our NDCs and LTSs, and through intensive efforts to reduce demand for and use of fossil fuels.”

In a forum normally characterized by ambiguous language, the clarity here is striking. Not “commit to transition.” “Will transition.” We’ll take the win, even as a symbolic one.

Of course, critics will note that these communiques are eloquent, even inspiring, but rarely feature much in the way of action to back up what they say. And here, this G7 was no different. Worse, it even added gifts to the fossil fuel industry that will undoubtedly slow if not sabotage its stated goal.

Among others, G7 leaders added yet another loophole on phasing out coal and gave oil companies and petrostates the biggest gift of all by labeling gas a “transition fuel.”

Where we did see progress was in a reaffirmed commitment to phase out “inefficient” fossil fuel subsidies by 2025 and this time with an actual report on progress next year. Without clarity on what exactly “inefficient subsidies” are, dangerous wiggle room remains. But here – and with the statement’s reaffirmation of a 2035 target date to largely phase out fossil fuels from the electricity sector, there are pledges for advocates to hold their leaders to. The challenge now is to turn symbolic statements into practical roadmaps.

If there is any silver lining in the recent EU elections, it’s in the clear reminder that governments do respond to their constituents. Climate action has set the agenda for the EU before and it can again.

Beyond the EU, there is a truly hellish summer likely ahead for most of the Northern Hemisphere that will make the cost of continued punting abundantly clear to millions of G7 constituents. It’s up to us to turn clarity into pressure. We cannot waste the opportunity.
